
Jenna Miller

Jenna Miller

Credentials: RYT 200


Favorite pose: It’s hard to pick one favorite yoga pose, but wheel pose holds a special place for me. Choosing this pose in my practice gives me the chance to listen to my body and accept where it is in the moment. Like in other deep backbends, I remember to stay fully present because it feels different each time. Building the strength to move into wheel pose gave me new perspective as I learned to appreciate the preparatory poses and journey through the process. Wheel pose engages the whole body! With both feet and hands on the mat, I feel grounded and supported. When my shoulders and heart open, the pose brings ease to my breath, while the hip stretch offers a deep sense of release. Being upside down allows gravity to reverse the places of effort and ease, offering that fresh perspective. 


Biography: Yoga has changed my life by teaching me how to connect with both my body and mind on a deeper level. I didn’t even know I was lost until I found myself. Yoga started as a way to build strength and flexibility, but over time, it became much more—a practice of mindfulness, patience, and self-compassion. Through the physical postures, like the wheel pose, I learned to listen to my body, honoring its limits and capabilities each day. Yoga also brought a sense of balance, grounding me in the present moment and offering a space to quiet my mind amidst the chaos of life. As I journeyed through the practice, I found myself not only stronger physically but also more resilient emotionally, able to approach challenges with a calm, centered mindset. Thanks to the practice I have found more ease and confidence on and off the mat in my roles as Mom, wife, school teacher, friend and more. I’m grateful for yoga and I feel lucky to be part of SPY’s faithful community.