
Shannon Mika

Shannon Mika

Credentials: 200 RYT


Favorite Yoga Pose: Any kind of inversion: Legs up the wall, a headstand, a handstand, I've always loved being upside down!


About me:


Pennsylvania is the latest stop in my life adventure. A fourth generation Denver native, I worked in Corporate America for 25 years while raising our three boys. After years of dreaming about it, we moved to Costa Rica with our youngest son in early 2019 after buying a real estate franchise, somewhat on a whim. Our business exploded during the pandemic and our one year adventure turned into almost four.


While we loved living the Pura Vida life, when it came time for our youngest to start high school, we knew it was time for a change. So, we sold our house, kept our business and moved to Hollidaysburg, near my husband's family.


As I prepared myself for life in PA I promised myself I would finally step into my yoga practice. One class at SPY, and I was hooked. One thing led to another and here I am!


When not in the studio, I support my team in Costa Rica, travel there from time to time, help my husband with whatever house project is in the works, play Mom to one golden retriever, a calico cat, a high schooler, his two older brothers in Denver and “La La” to one grandbaby. I love to spend time doing anything outside, and fill my free time reading, gardening, cooking, practicing